A Land's End to John O'Groats Charity Walk


Once again it's been some time since we last updated this, sorry for that. On the plus side we're back on our way again, and catching up the days that we've had off! Which is a great feeling. Today we're in Preston, heading up to Lancaster by tonight. The next few days will see us in Scotland and with my brother in only a week. Glasgow here we come!

Spirits are high again, even though the scenary we are going though isn't great. Yesterday we had a day off, as we'd walked about 100 miles in the last four days, so we thought we were intitled to a day off. Tonight we will be at our half way mark with walking! It seems really strange that we are so far north in my view, but still only half way through the walking! Shows just how much of Scotland there is! Still once we are half way it's all down hill from there. Every step takes us nearer to the end. And I'll be very glad to get to the end too. Not saying I'm not enjoying it, but fatigue is starting to set in (hence the day off yesterday) A good nights sleep just isn't enough, we both feel so exhausted all the time. Having said that we do both feel very fit. Wednesday was our first 30 mile day, and although we were shattered by the end, walking the first 12 miles before lunch didn't seem hard at all.

Carlie's shin splints are a lot better, she's taking a lot of ibuprofen and with the extra weight of the tent etc taken off, we are really managing to get the mileage up. By the time we get to Andy and Gayle's we'll have caught up all the days off we've taken! Which will mean that we will have 11 days 'spare' again to do the final push with full kit again.

Thank you for all your support and concern. We really appreciate all the comments, texts and support from you all. There is a counter that we can see when we log on to this blog showing us how many of you look at this over the past week sometimes there are as many as 140 hits!! So it's great to know you are all looking out for us and thinking of us.

Next time we log on we may well be in Scotland, our path for now will take us to Lancaster tonight, then Kendal, Penrith and Carlisle....and then Scotland!!! Our final country! And once in Scotland we've only about 400 miles to go....only!!!